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Kong Plugin for Treblle

The Kong plugin captures API requests and responses in real time through Kong Gateway and sends them to Treblle for monitoring, security, and analytics.


  • Plugin: Executes actions within Kong before or after a request is proxied to the upstream API.
  • Service: Represents an external upstream API or microservice within Kong.
  • Route: Maps downstream requests to upstream services in Kong.
  • Consumer: Represents a developer or machine using the API. Consumers interact with Kong, which proxies every call to the upstream API.
  • Credential: A unique string associated with a Consumer, commonly called an API key.
  • Upstream Service: Refers to your API or service behind Kong, receiving client requests via Kong.
  • API: Kong deprecated this entity, which represented upstream services, and replaced it with Services starting from CE 0.13.0 and EE 0.32.


1. Installing the Treblle Plugin

Clone the treblle-kong repository and copy the source code content to the correct location:


Terminal window
git clone

2. Updating the Plugins List

In kong.conf, append treblle to the plugins field (or custom_plugins in older Kong versions) and ensure the field is not a comment.

plugins = bundled,treblle # Comma-separated list of plugins this node should load.
# By default, only plugins bundled in official distributions
# are loaded via the `bundled` keyword.

If kong.conf is missing, create one from the default configuration:

Terminal window
cp /etc/kong/kong.conf.default /etc/kong/kong.conf

3. Starting Kong

Start the Kong server as usual.


Enabling the Treblle Plugin Globally

To enable the Treblle plugin globally, create an API in Treblle and obtain the SDK token and API ID from the Treblle dashboard.

Check how to start with the Treblle Platform.

In Kong, a plugin not associated with any specific Service, Route, Consumer, or API (in older versions) is considered “global” and applies to every request.

For more details, refer to the Plugin Reference and Plugin Precedence sections.

Terminal window
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/ \
--data "name=treblle" \
--data "config.api_key=<SDK Token>" \
--data "config.project_id=<API_ID>"

Enabling the Plugin on a Service

To enable the plugin for a specific Service, send the following request to your Kong server:

To configure the plugin on a particular service:

  • config.api_key – Find your Treblle SDK Token in the Treblle Portal.
  • config.project_id – Find your Treblle API ID in the Treblle Portal.
  • service – Use the service ID or name to apply the plugin.
Terminal window
curl -X POST http://kong:8001/services/{service}/plugins \
--data "name=treblle" \
--data "config.api_key=<SDK Token>" \
--data "config.project_id=<API_ID>"

Enabling the Plugin on a Route

To configure the plugin for a specific route, use the following command.

route_id: The plugin applies to the route with this ID.

Terminal window
curl -X POST http://kong:8001/routes/{route_id}/plugins \
--data "name=treblle" \
--data "config.api_key=<SDK Token>" \
--data "config.project_id=<API_ID>"


The following table outlines the available configuration parameters for the Treblle plugin, including their default values and descriptions:

ParameterDefault (Kong 1.x, 2.x)Default (Kong 3.x+)Description
name--The plugin’s name (treblle).
service_id--The ID of the service where the plugin is applied.
route_id--The ID of the route where the plugin is applied.
enabledtruetrueSpecifies whether the plugin is active.
config.api_key--The Treblle SDK token.
config.project_id--The Treblle API ID.
config.connect_timeout10001000Connection timeout in milliseconds.
config.send_timeout50005000Timeout for sending data (in milliseconds).
config.keepalive50005000Duration (in milliseconds) to keep idle connections alive.
config.request_max_body_size_limit100000100000Maximum request body size (in bytes).
config.response_max_body_size_limit100000100000Maximum response body size (in bytes).
config.debugfalsefalseEnables or disables debug logs.
config.enable_compressionfalsefalseEnables or disables request compression.
config.max_retry_count11Number of retries for API requests.
config.retry_interval55Interval (in seconds) between retries.
config.mask_keywords--List of keywords to mask in request/response logs.

Masking Sensitive Data

To enable masking of sensitive data, use the following cURL command:

Terminal window
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins/ \
--data "name=treblle" \
--data "config.api_key=<SDK Token>" \
--data "config.project_id=<API_ID>" \
--data "config.mask_keywords[]=Authorization" \
--data "config.mask_keywords[]=API_Key"

For more details on masking fields in Treblle, refer to the Masking Fields documentation.


Enabling Debug Logs

To enable Treblle debug logs, set --data "config.debug=true" when configuring the plugin.

If you already have Treblle, update the existing plugin configuration instead of installing it again.

Kong does not support multiple instances of the same plugin.

Updating the Plugin with Debug Enabled

Sample Commands:

  1. Create a Service:

    Terminal window
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services \
    --data "name=httpbin-service" \
    --data "url="
  2. Create a Route:

    Terminal window
    curl --location 'http://localhost:8001/services/httpbin-service/routes' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data-urlencode 'name=httpbin-route' \
    --data-urlencode 'paths%5B%5D=/httpbin' \
    --data-urlencode 'methods%5B%5D=POST'
  3. Enable the Plugin with Masking:

    Terminal window
    curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/httpbin-service/plugins \
    --data "name=treblle" \
    --data "config.api_key=<SDK Token>" \
    --data "config.project_id=<API_ID>" \
    --data "config.mask_keywords[]=Authorization" \
    --data "config.mask_keywords[]=API_Key"