Treblle identifies both codebase and non-codebase errors captured by the Treblle SDK. For instance, it can detect misspellings that might affect your API documentation.
Steps to view the Problems Tab
Click on Problems in the left navigation bar.
The Problem dashboard will display all the problems.
The Problems tab provides the following details for each issue:

HTTP Method: Associated with the problem (if applicable).
Severity Level: Categorized as Low, Medium, or High.
Occurrences: Number of times this problem has occurred in the project.
Total Problems Count: Number of problems across all endpoints.
Error Description: Description of the problem.
Graph: Displays “Requests with Problems” for a selected period.
Treblle performs 15 security checks on every API request and assigns them under Low, Medium, and High threat levels.
Viewing Problems in Requests
To inspect specific requests with problems, you can:
Filter requests using the Filter option ( Requests, User Information, Security & Compliance, Metadata ).
Sort requests using the SORT BY option ( Created at, Path, Threat level, Load time ).
Toggle between table or list views for convenience.