Traefik Plugin for Treblle
What you get with the plugin
This plugin allows you to integrate your Traefik Proxy with Treblle seamlessly so you can enjoy:
- Top-Notch Observability: Gain comprehensive insights into your API’s operations.
- Auto-Generated API Documentation: Automatically keep your documentation up-to-date with your API changes.
- Alerting and Notifications: Stay informed with alerts on crucial API events and changes.
- Traefik: This plugin has been tested on v2 and v3
- Treblle Account
- Obtain your API key and Project ID from Treblle
- Visit the Traefik Plugin Catalog
- Search for
and select Install. - Follow the displayed instructions to configure the plugin in your static and dynamic configurations.
- Restart your Traefik instance
- Enjoy!
| Parameter | Type | Description ||----------------------------|--------|-----------------------------------------|| `ApiKey` | string | Your API key obtained from Treblle. || `ProjectId` | string | Your Project ID from Treblle. || `AdditionalFieldsToMask` | array | Additional sensitive fields to mask. || `RoutesToBlock` | array | Paths to routes that should be hidden. || `RoutesRegex` | string | Regex to match and hide specific routes.|
Example Usage
# Static configurationexperimental: plugins: treblle: moduleName: "" version: "{version-from-github-releases}"
# Dynamic configurationhttp: routers: my-router: entryPoints: - http middlewares: - my-plugin service: service-whoami rule: Host(`localhost`)
services: service-whoami: loadBalancer: servers: - url: "http://localhost:8081" passHostHeader: true
middlewares: my-plugin: plugin: treblle: ApiKey: "your-api-key" ProjectId: "your-project-id" AdditionalFieldsToMask: - "accessToken" - "refreshToken" RoutesToBlock: - "/api/user/login" - "/ping" RoutesRegex: "^/api/projects"