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API Security

Treblle performs 13 automated security checks on every API request and assigns a Threat Level based on detected vulnerabilities.

The system analyzes each request into three threat levels: Low, Medium, or High. By default, it marks requests without detected threats as Low Threat Level.

Steps to view API Security

  1. You can go to the Request tab in the left navigation bar.

  2. You can select a specific request or use filters to narrow down requests by Security Threat Level (Low, Medium, High).

  3. Click on any request to open its detailed view on the right side of the dashboard. Go to the Security tab.

  4. This security audit graph shows the percentage of passed and failed checks and the total number of requests categorized by threat level (Low, Medium, High).

  5. The overall security status of the API shows the 13 security checks with threat level.

  6. When you click on any threat level, you will see details about it, helping you understand how to improve it.

How Threat Levels Are Calculated

Treblle uses an ETL process to calculate the threat level:

  • IP address analysis (proxy, crawler, TOR detection) using services like ipstack.
  • Internal security checks, such as:
    • Missing SSL (Medium Threat Level).
    • Detected SQL Injection patterns (High Threat Level).

Each request undergoes these checks to ensure accurate threat level assignment.

Low Threat Level

Detected issues include:

  • IDs vs UUIDs: Check if endpoints use UUIDs instead of sequential IDs for improved security.

  • Rate Limiting: Verifies the presence of x-ratelimit-* headers to prevent abusive behavior.

  • Content Labeling: Ensures the Content-Type header uses application/json.

  • MIME Sniffing Protection: Confirms the X-Content-Type-Options header is set to nosniff.

  • Force Secure Connection: Looks for the strict-transport-security header to enforce HTTPS.

  • Embedding Prevention: Validates the X-Frame-Options header to mitigate clickjacking attacks.

  • Security Policies: Checks for a Content-Security-Policy header. CSP helps prevent various attacks, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.

  • Content-Type Specification: Confirms that the Accept header specifies application/json.

  • Method Limiting: Verifies the presence of the Allow header to specify allowed HTTP methods.

Medium Threat Level

Detected issues include:

  • Authorization: Ensures proper usage and configuration of authorization mechanisms.

High Threat Level

Detected issues include:

  • SQL Injection: Analyzes payloads for common SQL injection patterns.

  • IP Reputation: Evaluate the reputation of the request’s IP address for potential malicious activity.

  • Secure Connection: Confirms that requests use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Treblle helps you monitor and secure your API traffic in real time, ensuring a safer API ecosystem.